California Uncontested Divorce Agreement Sample

California Uncontested Divorce Agreement Sample: A Guide

Divorce is a difficult and emotional process, but it doesn’t always have to be a lengthy and expensive legal battle. In California, couples can file for an uncontested divorce, which means they agree on all the terms of their divorce, including child custody, child support, spousal support, and property division.

If you and your spouse have decided to file for an uncontested divorce in California, it’s important to have a clear and comprehensive divorce agreement. This agreement outlines all the terms and conditions of your divorce and can serve as a legal document that can be enforced by a court of law.

To help you draft your own uncontested divorce agreement, we’ve put together a sample agreement that you can use as a guide. Keep in mind that every divorce is unique, and your agreement should reflect your own circumstances. It’s always best to consult with a divorce lawyer to ensure that your agreement is legally binding and in your best interests.

California Uncontested Divorce Agreement Sample:

1. Property Division:

We have agreed to divide our property as follows:

The wife shall receive:

– The family home located at [address]

– The car registered in her name

– All personal belongings and household items that are in her possession

The husband shall receive:

– The investment property located at [address]

– The car registered in his name

– All personal belongings and household items that are in his possession

We agree to sell the following assets and divide the proceeds equally:

– Our joint bank account

– The boat

2. Child Custody:

We have agreed to share joint legal custody of our children. The wife shall have primary physical custody of the children, and the husband shall have reasonable visitation rights.

3. Child Support:

We have agreed that the husband shall pay child support in the sum of $750 per month until the children reach the age of 18. The parties agree to review the amount of child support every two years based on the California child support guidelines.

4. Spousal Support:

We have agreed that the husband shall pay spousal support in the sum of $500 per month for a period of three years. This amount may be reviewed after three years based on the parties’ financial circumstances.

5. Attorney Fees:

Each party shall be responsible for their own attorney fees and legal costs.

6. Modification:

This agreement may be modified or amended only with the written consent of both parties.

7. Governing Law:

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California.

We agree to the terms of this uncontested divorce agreement and will sign this document in the presence of a notary public.

______________________ _______________________

Wife Husband

Date: ______________________

Final Thoughts

A California uncontested divorce agreement can help you and your spouse avoid a courtroom battle and reach an amicable settlement. It’s important to have a clear and comprehensive agreement that outlines all the terms and conditions of your divorce. While the sample agreement we’ve provided can be used as a guide, it’s always best to consult with a divorce lawyer to ensure that your agreement is legally binding and in your best interests.