Rental Agreement Authority Letter

When it comes to renting a property, it is not uncommon for landlords to require a rental agreement authority letter from their tenants. This letter is a legal document that grants permission to an individual or organization to sign a rental agreement on behalf of the tenant. Here`s everything you need to know about a rental agreement authority letter.

Why is a rental agreement authority letter necessary?

A rental agreement authority letter is necessary for several reasons. Firstly, it comes in handy when the tenant is not physically present to sign the rental agreement. For example, if a tenant is living in another country or city and cannot be present to sign the agreement, they can grant authority to someone else to sign on their behalf. Secondly, it is useful when a tenant is not able to sign due to some unforeseen circumstance, like an illness or injury.

What should be included in a rental agreement authority letter?

A rental agreement authority letter should include certain crucial details. It should start with a statement of authorization, specifying the name of the authorized person or organization, which is usually the landlord or their representative. The letter should also mention the name of the tenant and the rental property`s address. Additionally, it should outline the terms of the authority given, such as how long the authorization lasts and what specific actions the authorized person is allowed to take.

How can a rental agreement authority letter be drafted?

It is wise to seek legal advice before drafting a rental agreement authority letter. However, here`s an overview of what the letter should entail:

– Start by addressing the letter to the landlord or their representative and introducing yourself as the tenant.

– State the reason for the letter, which is to grant authority to another person or organization to sign the rental agreement on your behalf.

– Include your name, the address of the rental property, and the name of the person or organization to whom you are granting authority.

– Specify the duration of the authorization.

– Mention the specific actions the authorized person can take, such as signing the rental agreement and making payments on your behalf.

– End the letter with your signature and the date.


A rental agreement authority letter is a legal document that serves as proof of permission granted by a tenant to sign a rental agreement on their behalf. It is a useful tool for landlords and tenants to ensure that all parties involved are legally bound by the terms of the rental agreement. It is crucial to follow the correct procedures and draft the letter carefully to avoid any potential legal issues.